The River Cafe is opening a new restaurant right next door. Called Sylvia’s. And it’s all about vegetables.

You know The River Cafe? Yes, you do! Owned by Ruth Rogers, wife of Richard off-of architecture? Down by the Thames? Thought to be one of the best Italian restaurants in the country? Certainly better than most of the restaurants in Italy itself? Anyway...

They have gone and sprung a whole new, brand new restaurant on us, right next door to The River Cafe in Richard’s former studios. It’s called Sylvia’s, it’s named after Ruth’s mum, it’s still Italian, it will serve dinner only, and it’s hoping to squeak under the £60 mark when it comes to bill time. Not bad, you’re thinking. But there is one catch to that: it’s only going to serve vegetables. Nothing wrong with that. Save the world and everything. But £60 for a fully vegetable dinner does sound a little... River Cafe (see above).

The wine list will be shared with her next door - The River Cafe, keep up! - which will definitely open up the possibility of scoring well over your £60 but who ever heard of trying to save money on booze? Certainly not us. Oh and there will be a set menu consisting of antipasti, primi, secondi and dolci. We have no idea what that means. We did Spanish at school.

The killer punch? The food will be served to the tinkling of a live piano player, which sounds well camp, girl *snaps fingers starting over head and working in zig-zag down body* and yes, we will be giving it the benefit of our opinion when we can get down there.

Opening soon @ Thames Wharf, London W6

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